- Location: Salt Lake City, UT
- Surface Area: 10,000 SqFt
- Contractor/Owner: Bluescope Construction, Inc.
- Category: Aerospace, Large Tenant Improvement
- Scope: Supply and Erect
- Type: Structural Steel
- Tons: 20
Sure Steel was contracted to complete this hangar door retrofit for Skywest Airlines. In order to maintain and service a new, taller aircraft inside the hangar, Skywest had to increase the overall height of their hangar door. Sure Steel removed the existing hangar doors, exterior insulated panels, and existing truss header over the doors, and installed the newly built truss. The removal of the existing truss and the install of the new truss was completed in one day with the utilization of six cranes. Sure Steel also rebuilt the eight hangar doors, increasing the overall height of the door panels to fit the new opening. Apart from the truss and door work, Sure Steel replaced over 10,000 SqFt of insulated wall panels to provide a complete turnkey package to the client.
Safety Stats
Without Lost Time
Experience Modification Rate (7/1 to 6/30)
Lost Time Incident Rate
Days away, restricted, transferred (1/1 to 12/31)